Have you ordered here before? Be sure to refresh your browser to see the most recent list of available items. We’re doing our best to keep this list updated as we add and/or run out of stock.

All orders are subject to availability, however orders received by 3pm will allow our bakers to bake to order and ensure availability for the following day.

Orders placed here MUST be received by 7am for same day pick-up. If you want to order AFTER 7am, or if you need to change or cancel your order, or have any questions, please PHONE US at 250-537-4491.

We will only call or email you regarding your online order if an item is NOT available for your requested pick-up date. If you do not hear from us, please consider your order confirmed

Orders placed here will be available for pick-up by noon on your requested pick-up date. Please call us if you require an earlier pick up time.

Barb’s is OPEN Monday through Friday from 7am until 3pm. CLOSED Saturday, Sunday and ALL Stat Holidays.

January 13, 2025